Dye Penetrant Inspection is used to detect surface breaking defects in non metallic, non porous welds and material. Worcester NDT can provide Dye Penetrant Inspection at your site anywhere in the UK. For larger production runs of forgings, castings or machinings an in-house tank system is used.
On-Site: Dye Penetrant Inspection. DPI.
Water wash or solvent removable dye. Testing welds and material. This type of testing uses the forces of capillary action to detect surface breaking defects in welds and materials. It is impossible to detect defects which do not break the surface but it can be used on both magnetic and non-magnetic materials providing they are non- porous. The penetrant, usually red, is applied to the cleaned surface and left to soak. The surface penetrant is then removed using water or a solvent. A developer is then applied and left for approximately 15 minutes. The developer draws out any penetrant remaining in any surface discontinuities with a blotting action. |
In-House: Dye Penetrant Inspection. DPI.
Tank system using fluorescent dye. Testing batch quantity's of components. This system is used for production runs of parts where a larger throughput of similar items is required. The tank system is in 4 parts and consists of a tank of fluorescent dye, a water-wash station, an oven to dry components and a storm cabinet of developer. The finished parts are then viewed under a UV light source. |